Useful Tips to attempt Final Exams (PTU)

First and the foremost, never leave the answer sheet blank.

Always choose that 'Section' about which you think you can solve it easily than the other one. e.g. If you know Section-B very well, then never go for Section-A first, because it creates bad impression.

If you start from Section-A i.e 2 marks questions, attempt every question whether you know the answer or not, and do not extend the limit i.e only 1 single page for 2 marks questions.
If you start from Section-B, you've to choose 4 questions of your choice, which you think you can answer it till last sheet.

For Section-B i.e. 10 marks questions, the answer should be of 5 pages.

Suppose, you don't know the answer of a 10 mark question, then please for God's sake, never leave it blank, try to write in big fonts and complete the limit of 5 pages.

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Unknown said...

Thank u sooo much....!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, it's really helpful. Thank you so much. Can you please post more questions of BBA 4th, 5th and 6th semesters. Your kindness is my delight.